Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We had quite a few firsts at the Hawley household this spring!  I ran my first half marathon in May, Amelia broke her wrist jumping on furniture and Amelia had her first friend birthday party :)
Amelia had a garden party for her 5th birthday.  They jumped on the tramp, did art in her new Art studio, made cookies and everyone went home with a potted strawberry plant!  So much fun :)
Here's the clan.....all girls and one lucky little boy!!
Amelia was flipping over a chair and this was the outcome....3 hrs. in the ER and a cast 5 days later.  She was pretty proud of this hot pink cast and it was covered in black the very next day.
I did it....my first half marathon.  It might not have been pretty but I did it!!

1 comment:

Kassie said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...i am beyond excited that you blogged. i almost emailed you today and asked if you would please start again. and i was thinking about amelia's bday party and how fun you made it...crazy.

happy to have you back, please make it regular :) i like seeing pics and getting updates!