It was a beautiful weekend (80's) & daddy was busy at a seminar so auntie Kas came with us to the zoo!

Look at those smiles. Amelia misses having Kas around all the time!

Look close and see how terrified Ruby is.

We saw this sign after Kassie lost a finger!!

Notice how my kids get as far away as possible from the animals and Ruby just looks away!

Amelia's favorite part - feeding the ducks! Probably cuz they never get too close!

The Hawley Girls! (wish daddy was here!)

Amelia's other fav. part of the zoo!

Amelia looks much braver than Kassie in this pic.

The adorable Rubes with her favorite's cell phone!

I told Amelia to pose for a pic & this is what I got!

Amelia loves to take pics too now.....not bad!
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