Sunday, October 4, 2009

NDSU homecoming parade & a lazy day at home!

It was only about 45 degrees & sprinkling outside but we thought Amelia would love the parade so we all bundled up and had a great time!
Amelia's 1st parade. She loved it & got too much candy.

Chillin' with my daddy after spitting up on him.

Amelia holding Ruby but was trying to push her off cuz she had had enough after about 30 seconds.

Amelia about 1 hr. before she crashed. She was on a sugar high thanks to mommy. I made the mistake of giving her a sucker & tootsie roll at the parade so of course that meant no nap and bouncing off the walls all was hilarious. We were laughing so hard. She crashed at 6:30pm and slept until 8:20am.

Ruby is so strong and loves trying to sit and stand up.

1 comment:

Hawley NH said...

Amelia and Ruby what beautiful girls. Love you