Saturday, September 19, 2009

Amelia's First Haircut - Time To Get Rid Of The Curly Tail!!

This first haircut was quite the experience. The first 10 min. was terrible. She screamed, cried, gagged & refused to sit in the chair. She eventually caved (due to bribes) and sat on mommy's lap during the haircut. The stylist ensured us that this happens all the time...she may have been trying to make us feel better. Amelia ended up with 2 suckers and mommy one. The stylist didn't even attempt to put the cape on move. Her new haircut is more Joe Dirt jokes from daddy! We didn't get pictures of the 10 min. breakdown which I regret but at the time we were too busy trying to control her because it was NOT funny at the time!
Her & I swapping suckers made her happy...whatever works right?!

Don't be fooled, she wasn't like this the whole time.

These tears are nothing compared to the first 10 min. of her appt.! In Amelia's defense, I think the stylist did poke her somehow because she was doing fine and all of a sudden she grabbed the back of her head & started crying!!

She survived! The final product....beautiful!

1 comment:

Hawley NH said...

Two suckers always make it better!
So cute! Sending our love....