Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Amelia loved making the snowman with daddy after she got used to stepping in the deep snow & falling often. After they came inside she would frequently go to the window to check on the snowman & later that day the mouth & eyes were starting to fall off & she would get sad and say "snowman doesn't work" so daddy would go fix it until she was satisfied!
I think daddy may be more proud of the snowman than Amelia is.

Aren't they cute??!!

Finally a nice day to be outside & make a snowman with daddy...she had so much fun but had a fit when daddy put her scarf on the snowman so we had to make other arrangements!

never quite the smile you're looking for!

Amelia & mommy posing for a pic.....she's starting to get mommy's cheeks!!

1 comment:

Hawley NH said...

Perfect snowman your smiles say it all!