A couple pics of the past weekend with family

Auntie Kas is the only person that Ruby does this to....not even mommy & daddy (rarely anyway)

Rubes all lubed up, shaded & looking ridiculous....have to protect the redhead!

Hanging out with aunties, Gma Sue & Great Gma Weigel while the boys work on the shed.

Ruby always checking up on the progress that daddy is making thru the patio window.

The boys enjoying a beer after 12 hrs. of hard work on a 90 degree day.

Amelia striking a pose in what she thinks is going to be her playhouse but really it's daddy's playhouse! Shed on the bottom and daddy's work space/office on the second floor. He stares outside at it daily....just like a kid!

Lately Amelia insists on sleeping anywhere but her bed and surrounding herself with blankets and pillows.....and who doesn't need sunglasses at night?!