We've had a very busy summer full of lake visits (not enough), tennis tournaments (watching daddy), redoing our basement and getting ready for our new baby. Amelia is very excited to be a big sister soon! Here are a couple pics of our 'terrible twos' cutie!!

Sippin' on my boat drink!

Captain Amelia....her eyes should probably be on the water though rather than the camera!

Ayden & I waiting patiently for a pontoon ride.

First time on the tube...not quite sure what to think. She eventually relaxed & started to doze off. That next week at daycare it was all she talked about!! She was very proud.

Hangin' out in my kayak

Going to say hi to the neighbor!

Swimming in the backyard but who needs a swimsuit when everything is better naked?!

Daddy caught a butterfly for me!

Having dinner with a butterfly! This lasted for about 3 min. and then she insisted we take it outside to fly. Cool at first but terrifying a couple minutes later!

Refused to take a nap today so ended up going in time out @ 6:00pm and was screaming but all of a sudden got very quiet so we went in and checked & she was out! She would not let go of that check blank box cuz it had horsies on it!! We woke her up right away, gave her a bath (bad idea) and she was out again by about 7:30 until 8:30 the next morning.

Spending one on one time with mommy before baby comes (any day now)!
Trying to stay in shape like daddy...I'm not sure whose push ups are better??

Such a muli-tasker! We're so proud. She's been going poopy on the potty since beginning of June with a couple bad days of course.